the pressure!
Today, I discovered that my friend and fellow blogger has linked to my blog! I haven't had ample time to post in weeks. I am probably boring these wayward blog trotters to death.
I really am a very interesting person. I swear.
I also used to link to D's blog - until I changed templates and all my customization went with the old one. I have every intention of fixing that. I just don't have time.
Right now, my life is pretty much a big ball of stress and fatigue. I am happy, though, believe it or not - but it's taking its toll...Monday, I visited my doctor about the recurring chest pain I've been having. I didn't really think anything was seriously wrong but why would you risk it. As expected, I am fine. My blood pressure is even fine. Here was the best part of the visit...
"Do you feel like you need to take something to deal with the stress, "asks the Doctor - who totally reminds me of Georgette from the Mary Tyler Moore Show (can you imagine that!!?!)
"No," I said, "I don't ever want to wonder if it's me reacting to something or a drug."
"Good," she liked that answer, "would you mind if I recommended an herbal suppliment to you that might help you manage the stress?"
I almost did a backflip. I have never had an MD recommend an herb. Normally, I would expect something like, "My zoloft rep promised me a tee time at the amelia island golf and country club if I manage to get you addicted to his product." I have had a pharmacist recommend an herb and even a vetranarian but never an MD.
The miracle pill is called 5HTP and it boosts your body's production of seratonin - your own, natural happy drug. I take 50mg at night and, if after 4 weeks I still have these symptoms, I will take it twice a day. Of course, if I get worse, I am supposed to call Dr. Georgette right away.
I think it is working already. Bless her heart.
The most terrifying 10 seconds of my life...
A couple of nights ago, our intruder alarm went off at 2:00 in the morning.
My sweet husband and I had talked a few times about what we might do if that happened. I think it is sheer coincidence that we basically did what we said.
He heard it a second before me and had already lept out of bed. Instantly, I leaped after him. In retrospect, what happened next was hilarious - but at the time, it just added to the maylay and panic. Hubby tripped. In truth, I don't think we were even really awake yet. Simply reacting on adrenaline. I tripped over him with my full weight landing on my knee. We scrambled to our feet and continued on. Me to our son's room and him to the keypad where it would be revealed which sensor had been breached.
Our son was laying still on the bed. Wide awake, but curled up and still and scared. I aksed if he was OK and picked him up and held him. Hubby silenced the alarm and came to us. I never looked for an intruder. I was singularly focused on my son's safety. I am both impressed and embarassed by my heroics. I wasn't prepared. I didn't have so much as a bottle to wield as a weapon.
We were able to quickly verify that the sensor triggering the alarm caused us no further danger. Nothing was fully breached. This sensor is very sensitive and prone to misfiring. However, it usually triggered by something we have done during the day. It has never gone off at night.
We slept on our dear son's floor for the next 2 nights. If someone was trying to break into his room, that was the best way to find out...before the alarm was triggered again. His room's window is behind a fence, not visible from the street, and is shrouded in darkness so we had electicians out today to put in a motion detector flood light. I just believe that it is enough of a deterrent and would give us the advantage is someone were out there.
So - I really hope it never happens again and I am so glad everything was OK.