This Woman's Whirled
  Glory Days
I used to be smart. I used to be the resident subject matter expert on a handful of things. I am having a really hard time knowing nothing.

The past two weeks have been such a struggle. I have had limited connectivity to some vital tools to do my work. I have been working on some documentation that is just a rewrite of everything that already exists because I can't get anyone to commit to meeting with me.

I was somewhat prepared for the pressure of performing for my boss and her bosses - and comforted with the knowledge that my boss will do all that she can to help me succeed. Today, I know that the work I gave her was not what she wanted. This is unfamiliar territory, though, as I was always able to give her exactly what she was looking for when I worked with her before. I can't wait for that to happen again.

I was not at all ready for the big disappointment I have been to myself. I am working hard to turn this discouraged feeling into determination.

I can do this and I will do this. Not only will I do it but I will be great at it.

I just hope it doesn't take long as I am very impatient...
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Location: Sunny, Florida, United States

Thirty-something working woman living the American dream with my wonderful husband and beautiful son.

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