The chrysalis
This was the weekend of transformation. I left work on Friday for good. I worked there for 7 years.
To put this in perspective, I am only 32. I have been married for 9 years and I have only been out of college for 9 years. 7 years is a very significant amount of time. Still, there was no real celebration. I worked quietly and left quietly.
My co-workers had bought me a cake - which seemed so odd given that there was a baby shower (that had been planned for two weeks) held just hour before with, yes, another cake. No lunch, no parting gift. I wasn't really expecting a gift, but I thought for sure lunch. They presented the cake at the last hour, literally, of my employment, during the meeting scheduled with my manager to turn in my equipment, corporate credit card, and security badge. When I asked if they would please dial in my long-time west-coast team mate they wouldn't...citing his working from home as the reason.
I didn't cry. Anyone who knows me knows the tears come easy. I think they were expecting I would. They mentioned it. Very odd.
I did cry at the hard-hitting reality that I have to move my son to another daycare. I found the best place I could and, based on the price, it is the best money can buy - but it is not on-site and it is not these teachers. They made a beautiful poster for my son with pictures of his little friends.
I have talked to my sweet boy about this transition and done everything I can to make him feel at ease. I hope he has a good day tomorrow. I really hope he has fun.
As for me, I will be attending orientation for my new employer - a competitor of my former one. I will reuniting with my former boss - my favorite boss. I will be thinking a lot of my little boy. I will learn some about my new company and I will discover where I will sit for the next phase of my career.
Here's to moving on. I am emerging a beautiful butterfly.