This Woman's Whirled
  Better and Worse
Work is getting better. I showed up last week ready to take the bull by the horns and tame it. One of us wasn't going to make it through this - me or my mythical bull - and I am determined to be the victor. I finally know what I need to do to keep myself busy. I don't have to wait on anyone to give me orders. Whether I am doing it right remains to be seen but, I know in the eyes of my boss, that putting forth the effort is really what is expected. My willingness to try, to take chances is what I need to demonstrate more than anything.

The bad part is it is becoming increasingly evident that my son cannot attend this daycare. One of his teachers has stopped talking to me after I told her how I would like drop off to go. Today he came home with mysterious marks and a very rehearsed story, "I scratched myself" he said. He doen't use the word 'myself' - do they not know I get that, I know what words he uses and what ones he doesn't?

What's worse is that my tongue is somewhat tied. We plan to leave the center. I will have to gloss over as to why because the director's dad is very senior in my company and knows my senior management well.
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Revealing the feats and follies of a self-proclaimed super woman

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Location: Sunny, Florida, United States

Thirty-something working woman living the American dream with my wonderful husband and beautiful son.

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