This Woman's Whirled
  Suit Shopping
Now that the resume is done and I have gathered some leads, it's time to kick off the job search in earnest. Well, it is my hope that this will result in some interviews so, today, I took an extended lunch to find a suit.

I wear plus sizes. I have since high school - so I am not recently fat. I am very comfortable with myself and those who know me don't even notice. I know this isn't healthy so I have been working at it but it's not going to go away overnight so there is no point in letting it ruin my self image...but that's a topic for another post.

Back to suit shopping. Apparently the chubby do not work. We go on cruises, we are the mother of the bride, and we like things to be stretchy - but never do we need anything appropriate to wear to a business interview.

I didn't actually count but, I think at one store, there was actually more in the plus section to wear in the house rather than out of it. I guess that's where we belong, out of the public eye.

How disappointing. I did try something very traditional - a dark coat and skirt with pin stripes. I think it was the right size but it still looked like I was a kid dressed up in my mother's clothes. It's as though the designers oversize everything because they don't know what part of you is plus sized. I could have probably flown away had the wind caught all the extra fabric.

I found something. It's black and white which is trendy right now and not as sophisticated as I would like. Apparently, unless I retain a tailor or have a gastric bypass, I won't ever find exactly what I want.

I hope I have better luck next week with my haircut.

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Location: Sunny, Florida, United States

Thirty-something working woman living the American dream with my wonderful husband and beautiful son.

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