This Woman's Whirled
  Daycare Dingbat
My son's daycare is subsidized by my employer so, when I lose my spot, so does he. Yesterday I received word that he will be transitioned to a new room shortly before our anticipated departure.

Since I had alerted the administration to our situation, I was unable to understand why this made sense. This morning, when I approached the manager who issued the letter to ask that he not be moved, she said no.

I was dumbstuck. I explained the stress of the transition and how unnecessary it was. I explained that my dear son would already be undergoing enough transition in our home lives. I explained that I personally could not handle one more piece of stress in my life. I started to cry.

She said, "There really isn't anything I can do. The letters have already gone out."

Again, I was dumbstuck. I wanted to offer her a quarter so that she could make another copy or two of the letter.

I explained my logic. Certainly, there was a child due to move up when my son moved out. Why couldn't that child take his place in the new room? Why couldn't the child taking my son's place in his old room instead take the place of the back-up child in his or her old room? It's hard to explain in writing but in no way difficult to comprehend but I may as well have been speaking to her in Chinese.

I told her this was not OK and that he was not to participate in any transition activities until she and I worked this out. When I got to my office, I made an appointment with the director of the center.

Hooray! My logic was validated. He will be permitted to stay in his current spot!

I will probably see the dingbat tomorrow. I don't know if she will know at that point that this has been settled. What I do know is that I feel much better about leaving the center (I had been most distraught over it) - and for that, I should thank her.
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Thirty-something working woman living the American dream with my wonderful husband and beautiful son.

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